Deadlines can feel like they're breathing down your neck.
The pressure of needing eye-catching visuals pronto, and wanting to pay your wonderful team.
With expertise and a collaborative approach, I'm equipped to deliver stunning visuals swiftly, sparing you the hassle of endless revisions.
Consider it done, and done with a standing ovation!
Own a refined, high quality, custom poster design completely adapted to your show concept and audience type.
• Made in A0
All venues and print demands be gone! A0-A6 Posters are provided with bleed, trim marks in CMYK colour mode.
• A0-A6 Sizes
• DL Flyer
• Horizontal Event Banner
• 4:5 Instagram Portrait Version
• Tall, vertical version
• PLUS your wordmark logo of your show
Future-proof your production with templates of your Poster Pack to update show details for future shows.
• Available in PSD or Canva as an add-on.
• A0 Poster, Web, Banner & Instagram Post
Don't miss the opportunity to gain more reach by supplying your performers with their very own graphic to post.
• Supplied complete, or recieve a template to do it yourself
Poster elements move into place or focus to create depth, impact and captivation all whilst adapting to the current trends!
• Animated 1080x1920px MP4
Exported on a transparent background, ready to be stamped on to all your future show-related posts and notices, as well as an digital or tangible sticker!
• PNG Wordmark
Needed it done yesterday? After approval, receive the custom Poster completed in 1-3 business days.
• Venue, ticketing or extra assets
• Poster photoshoot
Total Value $3,000
NOW $999
→ You're a passionate show producer ready to hit the stage, go on tour, or dazzle your audience with unforgettable productions.Check out the Show Poster Pack for one-off show or solo budgets.
→ You crave a design partner who gets your vision, brings flair and fine details, and collaborates with genuine enthusiasm.
→ You care about your team and brand, aiming to attract your dream audience, build trust, and grow recognition.
→ You need tools you can use, like Canva-friendly templates, to easily edit details for future shows or promo graphics.
We begin our project with a one-on-one 15 minute call talking about how this poster package will help you and what you plan to do with your production.
STEP two
Armed with your images and concepts, I dive into crafting a custom poster design tailored to your vision.
STEP three
You'll receive a review of the poster design, where you can provide feedback or give the green light.
STEP four
Once approved, I finalise the rest of your poster pack and provide ongoing support to ensure you're fully equipped to make the most of your assets.
$999 AUD
2 x $499.50 AUD
Consider the Show Poster Pack for smaller budgets, one-off shows or weekenders. It packs a punch with A0, A3 & A6 custom poster design + social media assets + Performer Announcements. Don't sacrifice quality and stand out from the crowd this Fringe Fest!
Devin Gray
Touring Comedian
Shaun Coar
Lila Luxx
Event Director
→ No more DIY and hoping for the best.
→ Have all your required print assets, including print-ready technicals covered.
→ Provide your cast with their own eye-catching graphic to promote.
→ Dazzle you audience with a modern motion poster; boosting excitement for the event.
→ Equip yourself with editable text templates in Canva for future shows, ensuring consistency in your branding.
→ Enjoy support upon delivery to make the most of your assets.